best quality, best price

30M Full Package

  • Full Package includes Drilling, 2m steel Casing, PVC Casing and Complete Pump Installation.

90M Full Package

  • Full Package includes Drilling, 2m steel Casing, PVC Casing and Complete Pump Installation.

Factors affecting the cost of borehole drilling

 1. Location: Hard rock or challenging soil conditions can require specialized drilling equipment and techniques. 2. Depth: Deeper boreholes require more time, labor, and resources to drill, resulting in higher expenses. 3. Water requirements: The volume of water you require will impact the size and capacity of the borehole. 4. Access and site conditions: The accessibility of the drilling site and the prevailing site conditions can impact the cost of drilling

Why consider drilling a borehole for your water source

Drilling a borehole for your water source offers numerous advantages that make it a compelling option for both residential and commercial properties. Firstly, having your own independent water supply means you are not reliant on the municipal water grid, which can be susceptible to disruptions and shortages. With a borehole, you have control over your water source and can ensure a steady supply even during droughts or water restrictions. Secondly, borehole water is often of high quality. Municipal water sources go through extensive treatment processes, which can introduce chemicals and additives. Borehole water, on the other hand, is naturally filtered through layers of rock and soil, resulting in clean, mineral-rich water straight from the ground. Lastly, drilling a borehole can provide long-term cost savings. While there are upfront costs associated with borehole drilling, the ongoing expenses are significantly reduced. You no longer have to pay monthly water bills or worry about increasing water rates. This makes borehole drilling a financially wise investment in the long run

Benefits of drilling a borehole for your water source

  1. Sustainable and Independent Water Supply**: With a borehole, you have access to a sustainable and independent water source that is not reliant on municipal supplies. This ensures a steady water supply, even during droughts or water restrictions.
  2. High-Quality Water**: Borehole water is often of high quality, as it is naturally filtered through layers of rock and soil. It is free from the chemicals and additives found in municipal water supplies, providing you with clean and mineral-rich water
  3. Cost Savings**: While there are upfront costs associated with borehole drilling, the long-term savings on water bills can be significant. You no longer have to worry about increasing water rates or monthly water bills, resulting in substantial cost savings over time.
  4. Property Value Increase**: Having a borehole on your property can increase its value, as it provides an attractive and sustainable water solution. This can be particularly beneficial if you plan to sell your property in the future.